The campaign process below may look simple and is a high level framework on how to build a campaign. Applied correctly, and understanding the details within each step is the optimal way to structure the process of campaigns ready to launch from start to finish.
We start with marketing.
Marketing gets an idea so they create what’s called a campaign and it has certain goals and measurements and KPIs that we’re going to be tracking.
Then we fetch data from Salesforce in our sales side of the history we’re going to gather history from former clients past contacts that might be dormant or that we have not done business with them in a while or it could be current clients for upsells or maybe it’s SEM only clients and we want to do some impressions with branding.
We’re going to pull this Salesforce data back into the campaign and that “intel” will guide our targets for the campaign.
Then we’re going to reach our targets by encouraging the profile of these targets and the definition from sales/sales operations or leadership and have them pull this information as it may be contained in business outcome or opportunity fields and provides a prioritized list of business outcomes and themes to feed into marketing narrative and content and campaign themes during the planning stages. It will also guide our content hierarchy and themes and sub-themes as we hopefully have customer evidence of productivity and performance outcomes in salesforce mandatory fields that sales has provided into the opportunity or account object that show primary business drivers and primary use cases aligned to the sales plays of that period.
Then marketing is going to create a campaign and use tactics like emails, videos, and content in the campaign to these targets and, two things can happen:
- either we never get a response and they go dark and whatever and we collect that and down it goes in to the bucket of information or…
- they respond or they fill the form out on a landing page or they responded to an email or did some type of action.
Then, two or more things happen from there with the response
- they go back into this refinement bucket for marketing to refine, grade, measure and optimize the campaign to do another one again to that target. Just like ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth) would be it’d be the next person campaign we’ll go back to (up to Marketing again)
- And in Sales, what happens with the response is the responses that are positive and active counts as an MQL, a market qualified lead then it’s dumped over to Sales in the gift wrap with bows to you from your marketing department with hugs and kisses to handle with care as a lead.
The lead gets converted by Sales and at the same time Sales will create a Contact and an Account and an opportunity and perhaps sell something, or not, and maybe it ends up not going anywhere.
Now if that leads that does not convert, it will traverse back to the refinement bucket for marketing to go into the next campaign or nurture follow up.
Or you’ll be gifted with this contact, account and opportunity.
And Salesforce will perform data hygiene to check to see if the data is there (duplicate?) before so you don’t have to double dip and make a make a mess in Salesforce everything’s checked for it it’s real easy you go and Sales does their thing which is sell and be awesome.
Originally posted 2017-04-06 20:41:35.